Homepage of Michael Dressel

URL of this Page: http://michaeldressel.de/
Last Update: 210102 (Jan. 2nd, 2021)

Page active since 2003

Michael Dressel M.A.

Scandinavian Literature, Library Sciences and German Literature
Language: German
Languages - skilled: English, Norwegian, Swedish
Languages - basic knowledge: French
Fields of interest: Libraries, Classifications, Literature, Video-Transcodings, Science Fiction, Radiohead, no-TV
Fields of research: classifications in children's and youth's libraries
Sachgebietsleitung "Buchbearbeitung Fortsetzungen"
Works at Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin / Stiftung Preussischer Kultutrbesitz

Contact: michaeldressel@web.de

(C) 2017 - Michael Dressel - Edited by Bluefish 2.2.7 Ubuntu Kate